Here’s a quick git tip that I end up searching for it. There’s plenty of times we added git tags, pushed to remote, and realized that we named it wrong. Eg. v.0.1.0 instead of v0.1.0.
Continue reading “Git Tags: How To Rename Already Pushed Tag To a Remote Git Repository”How To Place a Tag with Text Over an Image
This blog will show you how to place a tag with text over an image using CSS3 pseudo-element. An everyday use case for this is on an e-Commerce website where you might want to emphasize a new product, a product on sale, or a product out of stock. Since commonly your products are displayed dynamically using a database, you are unable to modify the HTML markup to add a tag with text over the image. In some cases, you will need to alter the image and made the tag part of the picture. So, CSS3 is perfect for this because we can add these tags when there is a class name change.
Continue reading “How To Place a Tag with Text Over an Image”Asking for Help, Will It Make You Weak?
We are responsible for our emotional experience. We try to demonstrate that we possess the knowledge and understanding to perform correctly in our work and our profession. Commonly, we work in activities that often produce individual experiences, especially when we do web development and coding. In truth, these more solitary activities are foundations for the more prominent work that comes down the road for us. However, we do not always have a solution to our actions or situations. Sometimes, we need to ask for help.
Continue reading “Asking for Help, Will It Make You Weak?”How To Get The Most of Your Search Engine